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Parental payments for municipal kindergartens in Ås

The maximum rate for parent payment is NOK 3.230 per mounthhttps://www.regjeringen.no/no/aktuelt/regjeringa-satsar-pa-kompetanseheving-og-betre-kvalitet-i-barnehagen/id2769366/
Money for food is charged in addition to this. There are two possibilities for reduced payment.

Publisert: 19. november 2020
Hovedopptak barnehage, barn som leker

Information on coordinated nursery admissions

Information on nursery places and main intakes can be found below.

Publisert: 05. september 2017

Information to all parents with children in kindergarten or SFO in Ås municipality

Ås municipality has introduced a new system for enrollment and administration of children in kindergarten and SFO.

Publisert: 16. januar 2017
Kommunevåpen Ås

Bylaws for municipal kindergartens in Ås

Authority: Adopted by the Main Committee for Children and Culture on 23.3.2011, based on the Act of 17 June 2005 no.64 on kindergartens (the Kindergarten Act) § 7(4). Amended by the Main Committee for Children and Culture on 13.1.2016, applicable from 1.2.2016.

Publisert: 08. februar 2016
Kommunevåpen Ås

Apply for kindergarten

How to apply for kindergarten, and what to do if your child do not have a norwegian id-number.

Publisert: 13. august 2015