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Coronavirus (Covid-19) information in other languages

Information and advice about the coronavirus in different languages

Browser extentions for translation

For information in your own language, please use the built-in translation function in your browser. 

Google Translate is available as an official extension for Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera. If you use an alternative browser, you may be able to find a community-developed unofficial version.

If your browser does not support this, please use Google translate: http://translate.google.no/

Covid-19 vaccinations for residents in Ås municipalty

Ås municipality is now offering vaccinations for residents aged 65+ (group 4) and residents aged 55-64 with underlying diseases/conditions (group 5).

How to order:

  • Electronic appointment booking (login with BankID): https://timebestilling.remin.no/aas
  • Appointments by phone, call: 959 39 677 (Opening hours Monday - Friday 9 -12 and 1 – 3 pm)
  • Residents in group 5 will receive an SMS with an appointment for vaccination

If you are in a priority group, and are unable to get an appointment on your first try, please try again. We’ll set up more appointments as we receive new supplies.

Only once everyone in the group has been given ample opportuntiy to book an appointment, will we move on to the next group. You can check for available appointments here: https://www.as.kommune.no/timebestilling

More information in english regarding the Coronavirus immunisation programme at NIPH

Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)


Helsenorge.no is a guide for citizens wanting to take care of their health, as well as learn about public health care in Norway. The web site includes links to online services and information about the treatment of illnesses and patients' rights.

Webpage in english

Webpage in english with general information about the coronavirus

The Directorate of Health's helpline in english, polsh, arabic, urdu and somali

Do you have any questions about COVID-19? The Directorate of Health's helpline is now available in English! Call 815 55 015, press #9+1

Masz pytanie dotyczace Covid-19( dziewietnascie )? Jest uruchomiona infolinia Dyrektoratu Zdrowia w jezyku polskim, dzwon 815 55 015, wybierz  #9+2

Miyaad wax su'aalo ah ka qabtaa ku saabsan covid-19 Agaasinka Caafimaadka Norway taleefanka macluumaadka hadda waa af-Soomaali! Wac 815 55 015, taabo #9+4





karantene_illustrasjonsfoto_Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Smitte på Sjøskogen skole

Rundt ti personer tilknyttet Sjøskogen skolen har fått påvist koronasmitte. Skolen holder åpen på grønt nivå, mens elevene testes.
Ås kommune mottar 4900 ekstra vaksinedoser i uke 35. Vaksinene er øremerket studentene. Foto: Ås kommune/Kari Skarheim.

Får egen vaksinekvote til studentene

Ås kommune har i dag fått bekreftet at vi vil motta 4900 vaksinedoser øremerket studenter ved NMBU.
karantene_illustrasjonsfoto_Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

Smitte på Sjøskogen barnehage på Vinterbro

Et barn ved Sjøskogen barnehage har fått påvist koronasmitte.