Parental payments for municipal kindergartens in Ås
The maximum rate for parent payment is NOK 3.230 per mounth. https://www.regjeringen.no/no/aktuelt/regjeringa-satsar-pa-kompetanseheving-og-betre-kvalitet-i-barnehagen/id2769366/
Money for food is charged in addition to this. There are two possibilities for reduced payment.
Parental payments for kindergartens are governed by the Norwegian Regulations concerning Parental Payments for kindergartens.
From 1 January 2021 the maximum rate is NOK 3.230 per month. A 30 % sibling price reduction is given for a second child and a 50 % sibling price reduction for third and subsequent children. Money for food is charged in addition to this. For municipal kindergartens is the extra charge kr. 400, -
Private kindergartens have their own rates for diet.
National scheme for reduction of parental payment:
The parental payment for the first child in preschool must at most comprise 6 % of the household's total personal income and taxable capital income. The scheme is limited to a ceiling of a maximum rate of NOK 3.230,- and thus applies for households with a total income of less than NOK 592.167 per year. For second, third and subsequent children the parental payment is set in accordance with the provisions concerning sibling price reductions.
Free core time of 20 hours per week for children aged 2, 3, 4 and 5 for parents with low incomes:
All children aged 2, 3, 4 and 5 as well as children starting school late who live in households with a total annual income of under NOK 566.100 have the right to 20 hours of free stays at kindergartens per week. Free core time
How to apply for reduction in parental payments / free core time:
An application must be submitted for a reduction in parental payments / free core time for one kindergarten year at a time. The form entitled Income determination for setting parental payments/free core time in kindergartens.docx (DOC) (PDF) is used for the application. The form can also be obtained from the kindergarens. Income tax returns must be attached to the application as documentation. People who are unable to attach an income tax return, for example, due to having lived in Norway for only a short time, may attach other documentation of their income.
The application and associated documentation must be submitted to the kindergartens headmaster/ general manager within the stated deadline.
The application deadline for reductions in parental payments is 1 June each year.
The schemes apply for guardians in both private and municipal kindergartens.
It is the municipality where the child is listed in the national register that must process the applications for reduced parental payments and free core time.
The municipality also processes applications when:
Children start preschool in the middle of the year
The family receives a significant and lasting change in household income, compared to last year's tax return, during the year
No application has been submitted within the set deadline