Stolpejakten 2021
Kribler det i kroppen etter å komme seg ut, eller trenger du en ekstra dytt ut i friskluft? Uansett utgangspunkt kan det å jakte på stolper være noe for deg!
Stolpejakten i Ås kommune 2021
Om fargekodene
Registrer stolper og få poeng
Bruk app på mobilen eller last ned kart
- Kart er inkludert i mobil-appen som kan lastes ned fra Google Play eller App Store. Søk etter Stolpejakten, og se etter grønt ikon med sort S (ikke den rød fra i fjor).
- Kartene er også tilgjengelige i PDF-format på Stolpejakten.no (etter innlogging, klikk på «Kart», deretter velg Viken og Ås). Papirkart kan også hentes på innbyggertorget på Ås rådhus.
Slik registrerer du stolper
Kontakt oss
Lyst på flere turer?
In english - “Stolpejakten” in Ås municipality 2021
Stolpejakten (the pole or stick hunt) is an opportunity to get easy exercise and to get to know your local community. This is provided to you completely free of charge by Ås municipality, NMBU, Vitenparken, SiÅs and Ås IL's Orienteering group, with support from Viken county and Sparebank1 Østfold og Akershus.
This year there are four maps: one called “Nordby” in the urban areas and forests around Nordby stadium (from 17th April). "Byen" with poles in the central areas of Ås (from 20th April), "På grensa" has poles at the municipality border (form 1st May). “Parken” has 25 poles in the University park (from 13th May). The hunt is available until 31st October.
To find the poles, you need a map.
- You can get the map electronically through the app “Stolpejakten” (green icon with the symbol S). It is available free of charge in AppStore and Google Play (NB! do not confuse with similar names). Download the app and create your personal account.
- You can also download and print the map from Stolpejakten.no (after you have created your personal user and logged in, click on “Kart”, then “Velg fylke” and “Viken” and “Ås”.
When you have the map, you may start the hunt for poles! The location of the poles is shown on the map by numbered circles. Each pole shall be close to the centre of the circle and on the poles you will find the same number as on the map. They are approximately 1 m high.
Win a price!
Every registered pole gives you a chance to win a price, i.e. the more poles you register, the higher is your winning chances. The deadline for registering the codes is on October 31st.
To contact us.
Please let us know if poles are missing or if you have questions or comments to Stolpejakten in Ås. If you have technical problems related to the website or the app, please direct these to Stolpejakten - use the contact form.
Interested in more?
You may also try it in other nearby municipalities, or the rest of the country (you can get the maps on Stolpejakten.no). If you want to extend this activity to also include control points in the forest, try “tur-orientering” (https://turorientering.no/asil/). This is a similar concept, but with another type of controls placed in the forest around Ås. To participate, you may buy the tur-O package in Ås Libris or Boksmia, NMBU. You are also welcome to train with the orienteering group - please send a mail.